Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Food Regulations Essay Example for Free
Food Regulations Essay 1.State the administrative agency which controls the regulation. Explain why this agency and your proposed regulation interest you (briefly). Will this proposed regulation affect you or the business in which you are working? If so, how? Submit a copy of the proposed regulation along with your responses to these five questions. The proposed regulation can be submitted as either a separate Word document (.doc) or Adobe file (.pdf). This means you will submit two attachments to the Week 2 Drop box: (a) a Word document with the questions and your answers and (b) a copy of the proposed regulation you used for this assignment. (10 points) 2.Describe the proposal/change. (10 points) 3.Write the public comment that you would submit to this proposal. If the proposed regulation deadline has already passed, write the comment you would have submitted. Explain briefly what you wish to accomplish with your comment. (10 points) 4.Provide the deadline by which the public comment must be made. (If the date has already passed, please provide when the deadline was). (5 points) 5. Once you have submitted your comment, what will you are legally entitled to do later in the promulgation process (if you should choose to do so)? (See the textbooks discussion of the Administrative Procedure Act.) If the proposal passes, identify and explain the five legal theories you could use in an attempt to have (any) administrative regulation declared invalid and overturned in court. Which of these challenges would be the best way to challenge the regulation you selected for this assignment if you wanted to have the regulation overturned and why? Answer all of these questions for #5 even if you are in favor of your proposed regulation. The response to question 5 should be a minimum of 2ââ¬â3 paragraphs long. (15 points) 1-FDA publishes rules that establish or modify the way it regulates foods, drugs, biologics, cosmetics, radiation-emitting electronic products, and medical devices commodities close to the daily lives of all Americans. FDA rules have considerable impact on the nations health, industries and economy. My concern is that under the federal law, a claim that a food is intended to diagnose, cure, mitigate, treat, or prevent disease makes that food a drug, and is unlawful. However, federal law provides for FDA approval of a health claim, which is a statement that characterizes the relationship of any substance to a disease or health-related condition (e.g. a claim that calcium may reduce the risk of osteoporosis). Under the statutory standard for approval, the claim must be supported by significant scientific agreement. ( 2. The adequacy of federal oversight of food safety recently became the subject of intense media and Congressional scrutiny. The issue came to national prominence when contaminated food caused the death and illness of hundreds of people. The episode served to heighten awareness of the fact that an increasing proportion of the food consumed domestically is imported, and much of it from countries that do not have well established food safety systems. It also began to focus attention on the fact that FDAââ¬â¢s funding has not kept up with the responsibilities that have been heaped upon it over the past several years, and that FDA will need additional legal authority to effectively address some problem areas; they have adequate funding and resources. FDA covered the overall food safety systems of the countries, as well as their food safety systems such as specific commodity areas; i.e. seafood, including molluscan shellfish, imported meat products, vegetables and dairy products (exclu ding Grade A pasteurized milk products). ( 3. The controversy over trans-fat offers an example of how one kind of regulation at the federal level can beget other forms of regulation at the state level. In 2006, an FDA regulation went into effect that requires listing the amount of trans-fat present in a packaged food on the label of that food. FDA did not go so far as to ban the use of trans-fat, something that some consumer groups were advocating. However, shortly after the issuance of FDAââ¬â¢s rule, state and local jurisdictions started stepping into the breach. A number of localities have banned the use of trans-fat in restaurant foods, and some states, such as California, have begun to follow suit. Faced with a patchwork of local requirements and the potential for adverse publicity, some major restaurant chains have reformulated their products to eliminate the use of trans-fat, however, nations wide has not complied or just finds a loophole to go around the system in avoiding such regulations. Another issue is the increasing concern of the status of federal regulation of foods and other products that contain nanomaterial. Both proponents and skeptics of nanotechnology hold the view that industry has raced ahead of regulatory authorities in bringing nanotech products to market, thereby increasing the potential for consumer injury and environmental harm. Thus, there is at least some support for stronger regulatory oversight of nanotech products in general, and of nanotech foods, including food additives and dietary supplements in specific. Recently, FDA announced that it will hold a public hearing to seek input on various aspects of its approach to regulation of nanotechnology. FDA likely will follow up on that hearing with the issuance of guidance documents specific to the product categories that it oversees. ( 4. By law, anyone should participate in the rule-making process by commenting in writing on rules FDA proposes. FDA routinely allows the public input and carefully considers the comments when it draws up a final rule. Another way to influence the way FDA does business is to petition the agency to issue, change or cancel a regulation, or to take other action. FDA will act to implement a provision of the FDA Amendments Act of 2007 that requires FDA to establish a reportable food registry, and that requires any person who submits a registration for a food facility under the Bioterrorism Act of 2002 to also notify FDA of instances of reportable food. A reportable food is one for which there exists a reasonable probability that use of, or exposure to, the food will cause serious adverse health consequences or death, the same standard that currently applies to Class I recalls, so the practical effect of the new provision should make it mandatory for companies to notify FDA of a Class I recall situation. FDA Petitions require careful preparation by the submitter, they spends considerable time and staff resources processing petitions. Individuals sometimes submit petitions, but most come from regulated industry or consumer groups. For example, a drug company might request a change in labeling for one of its products; a food company might ask that its product be exempted from some provision of a regulation; or a consumer group might petition FDA to tighten regulation of a certain product. ( 5. Health claims have been the subject of considerable controversy. After protracted litigation, federal courts ruled that FDA cannot impose an outright ban on claims that have some scientific support but fail to meet the statutory standard of significant scientific agreement. FDAââ¬â¢s strict application of the statutory standard was held to violate the First Amendment of the US Constitution, which protects against government infringement of speech that is not false or misleading. In response to those court decisions, FDA should develop a process for approval of qualified health claims; in order to attempt and describe the strength of the scientific evidence that supports a claim. Qualified health claims should be the subject of controversy in their own right. Some observers believe that qualified health claims are as likely to mislead as to inform consumers, and opposition to their use has grown to the point where Congressional representatives have asked FDA to stop approving them altogether. It remains to be seen how the controversy will be resolved, given that FDAââ¬â¢s current approach was essentially forced on it by the judiciary. ( References: FDA gov Homepage ââ¬â U.S Food and Drug Administration homepage; Retrieved form January 19th, 2013 US FDA Food Regulations/FDA Beverage Regulations; Retrieved from January 20, 2013 Importing Food Products into the United States; Retrieved from . January 20, 2013 United States ââ¬â FDA Food Labeling Regulations; Retrieved from
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
The significance of female characters in the progressof Homerââ¬â¢s novel E
The significance of female characters in the progressof Homerââ¬â¢s novel The Odyssey Women are very important figures in Homer's The Odyssey. Athena and Penelope are the two primary examples. They help Odysseus in his travels in many ways through the story. They keep the reader interested so that they keep reading to find out what will happen next. Throughout the novel, they appear in many different forms. In this epic, several female characters had a profound effect on the plot. They wielded their influence through typically feminine skills and attributes: seduction, supernatural powers, intelligence, and beauty. Some of the women of The Odyssey influenced the actions of men, playing key roles in the epics, such as Athena, Penelope, Calypso, the Sirens, Helen, or Circe; all have been true, and in actuality, may be an entertaining interpretation of an actual Trojan War. Since the Trojan War supposedly started because of a dispute between the gods and mortals, the Trojan War probably started because of a reason other than the reason Homer gives. If Homer were a woman, then he would have directed his audience into believing that women were at a higher level than men were by use of his epics. Ultimately, Homer would be utilizing his feminine characteristics when telling his stories with underlying messages of feminine superiority or equality. As goddess of wisdom and battle, Athena naturally has a soft spot for the brave and wily Odysseus. She helps him out of many tough situations, including his shipwreck in Book 5 and the mismatched battle of Book 22. She does not merely impart sense and safety to her passive charge, however. She takes an interest in Odysseus for the talents he already has and actively demonstrates. Although she reassures Odysseus during the battle with the suitors, she does not become fully involved, preferring instead to watch Odysseus fight and prevail on his own. She also often helps Telemachus as when she sends him off to Pylos and Sparta to earn a name for himself but she has the most affection for Odysseus. Athena is confident, practical, clever, a master of disguises, and a great warrior, characteristics she finds reflected in Telemachus. Her role as goddess of the womanly arts gets very little attention in the Odyssey. Penelope works at the loom all the time but rarely sees Athena, and then u... ...oes. These literature works gave many possibilities of definition of heroism. The Greeks illustrated heroism to obey the rules laid down by the gods and goddesses, and those who obey the rules would gain honor and fame. The Greeks regarded intelligence as one of the highest gifts that all heroes must posses. The Greeks required that all heroes must have courage and die a horrible death. We know him less from what he thought, which was seldom revealed, than by what he says and did, and his actions follow naturally from his characteristics. If the cunning of Odysseus is mentioned more than his courage, it was his courage that gets him into the scrapes from which his cunning had to deliver him. Odysseus had the all the qualities that the Greek tradition required of all heroes, which were obey the rules of gods, posses intelligence, and displayed courage. He was made a hero thanks to his own characteristics however, with out the guidance of Athena, his longing to be at home with his wife again and the intervention of women on his journey, he would only be a hero by myth not by what he has achieved through the trouble of getting home due to the women he has encountered.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Mix of marketing activities
Undertaking 31 ) Mix of Selling Activities1. BrandingLets clients cognize what merchandise the company will bring forth with different manners and Sons. The definition of stigmatization is making a name, logo or a design that merely identifies and differentiate merchandise from others. Purpose: A successful stigmatization can set up trust and builds trueness between clients and the company, communicates the company values which mean the values of the company distinguish their merchandises from other rivals and the quality of their merchandises.2. E-mail sellingE-mail selling aids by directing messages via electronic mail to the clients to allow them cognize what merchandises will be sell in the market. Purpose: Provides personalized services to clients. Email selling can update clients every clip about the cargo of their purchased merchandises. Email selling besides enables to advance merchandises and services at the same clip.3. Banner advertsGraphical adverts which can be either on in writing or text messages that are shown on web pages. When clients clicked on the either of the adverts, it will travel on to new page and straight off unfastened to the advertizer ââ¬Ës place page. Banners are normally in formats such as GIF, JPEG or PNG. Banners are of import because they can advance, purchase and sell their merchandises utilizing this advert. Purpose: Banner advertisement can be used really efficaciously to advance a merchandise or service on the web. This will bring forth gross revenues when the concern is introduced to a immense audience. Banner advertizements will do more profitable for clients that have its ain alone qualities that can hike on-line gross revenues.4. CRMBesides known as Customer Relationship Manager. CRM is an information industry that provides a company utile and relevant information to clients in order to hold a good known relationship between the company and clients in an organized manner. The information provided must fit with the clients ââ¬Ë demands. Purpose: CRM has the undermentioned intents such as cognition direction which enables for employees to hold valuable information in what action to do, Database consolidation is to interact a client recorded in one topographic point to assist and advance client support service and Integration of channels and systems which is to react to clients through a channel of their pick such as electronic mail, phone and online chatting.5. Search engine optimisationSearch engine optimisation is a manner for hunt engines to happen and rank a site higher than other web sites in response to a hunt question and therefore helps clients easier to happen the site that they wanted. Purpose: Search engine optimisation will assist the site to advance their merchandises and services by seeking the company ââ¬Ës site. Every clip clients type the keyword of the site, the ranking of that site will travel higher. This will enable to utilize the hunt engine to the advantage in order to acquire needed traffic.6. Per chink advertisementPay per chink advertisement is besides known as Cost per chink or Pay per Ranking. Pay per chink advertisement allows clients to name the site that searched at the top of the hunt engine consequences by typing for the merchandises or services they wanted to utilize. The higher clients visit the site, the higher the advertizement will be shown in the list. Customers will pay when they click on and link to the site. Purpose: Pay per chink is a signifier of advertisement that engage websites with links of the company on other web sites. Every client chinks on the advert, certain of amount will be charged to the clients. This will assist the company to derive much more net income from ecommerce.2 ) Reasonable attacks to online selling activities.1. Registering with as many hunt enginesThe intent of registering with as many engines is to let holding a better line in with the hunt engine. This can be really valuable tool in seeing where to travel in spread outing the company ââ¬Ës web site into the market.2. Clear stigmatization and promotional bundlesThe intent of clear stigmatization and promotional bundles is that they give consumers a freedom of pick in taking their merchandises, offer a step of protection to clients because they can easy place the provider which they are fond of.3. Use of streamer advertisement theoretical accountThe intent of use of streamer advertisement theoretical account is to c onstruct consciousness, sell something, and thrust traffic to an advertizer ââ¬Ës web site.4. The usage of forumThe use of forum is a good manner to acquire back links and traffics but members must lend to the forum in order to be active in the site and non merely spamming the forum with the company ââ¬Ës links. Giving relevant and elaborate information, clients or members of the forum might be interested to look into out the nexus.3 ) Offline selling demands:I. Direct selling is a method where advertizers approach clients straight face to confront with the merchandises or services for roll uping an sum of information about their clients and clients. II. Mass selling is a maximal exposure of advertisement merchandises to clients. Merchandises that many people want will be introduced to a immense audience.a. MagazinesMagazines might and can be expensive but magazines are really utile because it focused on the advertisement to the clients which they might be interested to cognize about the advert.B. Direct MailDirect mail can be utile because the mail is straight sent from the company to clients instantly for their wants and demands. Roll uping information from clients by detecting references on their cheques and inquiring them to make full out information cards.c. NewslettersNewsletters presents can be really influential and powerful message to clients because it provides layout and design and they can bring forth really interesting newssheets in a really cheap manner.d. NewspapersBy puting advertizements about the company ââ¬Ës concern in newspapers can be really utile and may convert clients through the advertizements because newspapers ever have been read by people every twenty-four hours. This method is really effectual.4 ) Plan addresses both bing and new clientsIn order to retain clients online or offlines, the undermentioned factors should be taken into consideration:1. Developing profitable clientsIn order to set up profitable clients, the company must continuously be pulling new profitable clients in the industry sectors and they must besides active retain the profitable current clients and re-establish dealingss with past clients.2. Profiling clientsCustomer profiling is based on demographic, psychographic and geographic features. The description of clients must include income, business, and degree of instruction, age, gender, avocations or country of abode.3. Specifying clientsFor retaining clients, the company must specify their possible clients. To be successful, the company must be able to carry clients more easy and when the company able to carry them, it is easier clip to hold concern with clients.4. Deciding targeted groupTargeted group will be decided by the company which clients will establish on their age and gender. Each group will be able to prove their merchandises which may be a positive manner to derive client ââ¬Ës trust and do even more net income.5 ) Compile prospective clients in the groupa. Plan to turn to bing clientsI ) Offer truenessIf the company plans to do the bing clients loyal to them, they must offer them a particular deal such as take downing the monetary value in order to do them happy and loyal.two ) Tell-a-friend optionThe company can state the bing clients to advance their site and concern to their friends in order to derive more loyal clients.three ) Offer pre or station gross revenues servicesOffering pre gross revenues services to clients, the company must be able to research and program new merchandise before giving out to clients in order for them to do a suggestion and do a better merchandise for them to be happy.four ) Considerin g monetary value factors based on clients need.Reducing monetary values on the merchandises that the clients ever need will be able to retain the bing client ââ¬Ës trueness.B. Plan to turn to new clientsI ) Mailing listMailing list such as direct mail is an effectual manner to convey a message or a manner to publicize and advance a new specific merchandise to big audiences in order to derive new clients.two ) OffersOffers will be given to clients such as take downing the monetary value as considered by the company for a chosen merchandise that might acquire the client ââ¬Ës purpose.three ) MembershipsNew clients will be offered full rank for them to acquire the latest intelligence and information about new merchandises of their demands.four ) Easy payment servicesNew clients may be able to utilize their recognition cards if they are buying their merchandises online because it is easier for them to pay without any transit required.6 ) Sphere nameCompany name is called ââ¬Å"Ar ts and Crafts onlineâ⬠Sphere NameTypeHandinessartzandcraftzonline.comCommercialYesfun-artsandcrafts-online.comCommercialYesartscrafts4u.comCommercialYesThe best sphere name that have been chosen is Reasons on why this sphere name is the best:This sphere name is short and easier for clients to retrieve the site.This sphere name may be interesting for clients in order for them to see the site more frequently.The sphere name can pull clients in doing concerns.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Utilitarianism, Deontology, And Virtue Ethics - 1586 Words
There is an ethical epidemic that is plaguing this world and it is called Human Trafficking. Human trafficking is a serious crime that violates common human rights by trading humans and forcing them to complete acts of coerced labor, or sex slavery. It is the 2nd largest criminal operation in the world next to the drug cartel and it is done to make money off these innocent lives (Ottisova, 2016). The illegal trade and exploitation of human beings for forced labor, prostitution and reproductive favors is unethical and unacceptable by our society because many United States organizations are starting to work together to stop these intolerable acts to end the suffering and pain. Ethical theories are categorized into three groups:â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Each action we take as humans determines our personal character and ethical theories guide us and teach us right from wrong (Mosser, 2013). Human trafficking poses many ethical dilemmas, often the trafficked is drugged to prevent disturbances that would lead to alerting authorities of the situation that would foil their plan. The victims are often beaten into submission, or manipulated to cause much fear. Victims are subjected to extreme violence and mental abuse (Ottisova, 2016). Traffickers are egoists as they are only thinking about themselves and have no empathy for their victims. Egoism is a concept that drives an individual to personal interests, they believe that regardless of moral standards that they should do something to bring them closer to their goals, regardless if it is right or wrong, no matter whom they hurt in the process (Mosser, 2013). There is no relativism in Human Trafficking. Relativism is a theory based on morals and ethical truths that depend on the individuals and groups holding them (Mosser, 2013). Many of the victims of human trafficking would experience emotivism (an emotional attitud e) because they would be emotionally and physically impacted from being kidnapped, drugged, beaten, and coerced into performing forced labor or sexual acts that goes against their moral conduct just to stay alive.Show MoreRelatedUtilitarianism, Deontology, And Virtue Ethics835 Words à |à 4 PagesInitially, my understanding of ethics was merely to determine what is right and wrong in certain situations. Although, after learning about Utilitarianism, Deontology, and Virtue Ethics, I have realized that certain characteristics of each play a role in determining what ethics truly are. Utilitarianism characterizes the definition of ethics, by making all choices have the greatest positive impact, while minimizing the risk. Deontology on the other hand would rather we not get involved because thereRead MoreEthics, Utilitarianism, Deontology, And Virtue Ethics1415 Words à |à 6 PagesIn South Park, South Park illustrates normative ethics in society and people. The characters and scenari os are well scripted to categorize the three main theories of normative ethics; utilitarianism, deontology and virtue ethics. The show constantly displays the universal mindsets of multiple people within various situations and how one effects the other and the world. Majority of these scenarios, virtue ethics brings about the best results for those within the South Park community and the main charactersRead MoreKantian Deontology, Utilitarianism, And Virtue Ethics1606 Words à |à 7 PagesOver the course weââ¬â¢ve studied three ethical theories, those theories are Kantian deontology, utilitarianism, and virtue ethics. 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A common question has been asked, ââ¬Å"What is justice?â⬠According to Chapter V of John Stuart Millââ¬â¢s Utilitarianism, justice supposes two thingsââ¬âa rule of conduct and a sentiment which sanctions the rule. The first must be supposed common to all mankind and intended for their good.Read MoreSimilarities and Differences in Virtue Theory, Utilitarianism, and Deontological Ethics Eth/316954 Words à |à 4 PagesSimilarities and Differences in Virtue Theory, Utilitarianism, and Deontological Ethics When talking about ethics it is hard to distinguish between ethics and morality. It is also hard to distinguish exactly what realm of ethics contributes to my everyday decisions. 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