Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Physic Sc1 Resistance Of A Wire

Physic Sc1 Resistance Of A Wire How the resistance of a wire changes with different lengths Planning We are trying to find out if and how the resistance of a wire changes by adjusting the length of the wire. I think that as the length increases; the resistance will also increase. I think this will happen because in previous experiments, my results have shown this. For example: I have done an experiment where I had to find out what variables affected the resistance of a wire. I set up a circuit similar to the one in the diagram below. But instead of keeping all the variables the same, I changed them, one at a time, to see what effect they may have on the resistance of a wire.Predicted Graph Circuit Diagram The apparatus I will use is: battery pack, leads, ammeter, constantan wire (0.25 mm), ruler, crocodile clip and a voltmeter.I did a practical in which I chose to use constantan wire.English: Four-wire configuration of a resistance t...